Condominiums SB-326
Inspection Requirement
• Inspection of “Exterior elevated element” (EEE) including their
supports, railings and their associated waterproofing elements
minimum 6’ above ground and extending from the exterior wall of
the building.
EEE’s include: Balconies Decks Porches, Stairways, Walkways Elevated entry structures
• Only areas that the HOA has responsibility for and maintains• A 95% statistical sample of the (EEE) made of wood or supported by wood products must be inspected. • Inspections assess the current physical condition of the load bearing components, handrails, flashings and the waterproofing conditions along with their projected life span.• Re-inspection should be performed every 9 years. • HOA must keep copy of the inspection report for a minimum of 2 inspection cycles• First Inspection must be completed by January 1st, 2025• Any EEE that is in need of repair or replacement must be repaired or replaced. • Person or company performing the inspection is not allowed to perform the repair. • Local building departments can assess fees for non-compliant facilities• HOA is responsible for continued and ongoing maintenance.
EEE’s include: Balconies Decks Porches, Stairways, Walkways Elevated entry structures
• Only areas that the HOA has responsibility for and maintains• A 95% statistical sample of the (EEE) made of wood or supported by wood products must be inspected. • Inspections assess the current physical condition of the load bearing components, handrails, flashings and the waterproofing conditions along with their projected life span.• Re-inspection should be performed every 9 years. • HOA must keep copy of the inspection report for a minimum of 2 inspection cycles• First Inspection must be completed by January 1st, 2025• Any EEE that is in need of repair or replacement must be repaired or replaced. • Person or company performing the inspection is not allowed to perform the repair. • Local building departments can assess fees for non-compliant facilities• HOA is responsible for continued and ongoing maintenance.